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While You're Waiting on Your Miracle

Winter Writer Morning Routine

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6:20: My phone chimes, a gentle melody with a light buzzing—it’s the vibrating that shakes me awake. I turn quickly to stop the sound before it wakes my roommates (aka sisters), and then I lay for a few minutes, enjoying the cozy morning coolness under soft, sherpa blankets. It takes a little time to coax the sleep from my limbs and my body from the bed, but eventually, I make my way up.

I pad across the room and fetch a water bottle, my Bible, notebook, and pencils from their place on my mantel. Wrapped in my favorite hoodie, I crawl back under the covers, arrange my pillows into a comfortable chair, and then open God’s Word to have some Just Us Time before the full day begins.

I finished the book of Micah earlier this month (the prophets’ books are always so fascinating), and I think I have a new favorite verse from it.

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I turned that picture into my laptop background to keep that reminder close over these next few weeks. ๐Ÿฅฐ

7:40: My Bible Study ends around this time, finalized with some prayer and meditation. It’s not often that I hear a direct voice from God, but I still believe it’s healthy to take a moment in quiet and clear your mind, to reset before the rest of the day begins.

7:50: I change quickly, grab some more water, and start my workout session! I used to walk (and sometimes run!) my neighborhood in the mornings, but since late Autumn and Winter began, it’s been a tad too cold out. ๐Ÿ˜‰ So for now, I stay in, warm up with some cardio, and most days, watch an Emi Wong workout video. Some mornings, I'll branch out into some yoga or another workout YouTuber I’ve found.

I’m also trying to get my splits! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years, and this past summer, I finally decided to just commit. I found a video with some simple stretches and do those for as long as I can after each workout. I’m still a ways from being all the way down, but I’ve definitely made progress, and that’s been exciting! :D

8:40: Workout over, I’m sweaty and sore, but I generally feel good about the work I’ve done! Plus, exercising is one of the few times a day that I can just blare my favorite music without it distracting me or someone else. I find it helps get me inspired and motivated first thing in the morning, and that workout time is often one of my favorite parts of the day I am apparently one of those weirdos.

Ah, the refreshing warmth of a hot shower after a solid workout! I’ll also admit that I am a long shower person. :p It’s not even the time spent in the shower, just the general “getting ready” tends to take me a while. I don’t know why, and I don’t do it on purpose. I just can’t seem to be one of those “20-minutes-and-I’m-done!” type of people.

Plus, as any Type 4 hair girls know, it can take a while to get your hair to do what you need it to. :p 

9:15 9:20 9:30 AM (I’m trying to be at least a little bit honest here): shower finished, hair done, it’s time for breakfast! As a creature of habit, nine mornings out of ten, I’ll have a bowl of oatmeal. However, this is not your glumpy, gloomy, gray-gruel type of oatmeal, no, no, no. This is a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. I use milk—not water—then add peanut butter, bananas, apples and/or raisins, whipped cream cheese, brown sugar, some warm-tasting spices, and I am telling you. This is pure, cozy deliciousness in a big breakfast bowl.

I often watch YouTube while eating breakfast. A favorite vlogger’s newest, an educational video, or just something random I found on my Watch Later. I like to be doing something while I’m eating, and my family eats breakfast earlier, so it works for me to either listen to an audiobook or watch something during this time. ๐Ÿ˜Š Lately, it’s been a lot of Morgan Long and The Cottage Fairy. I do so admire these ladies!

10:00 AM: Breakfast finished, I take care of any cleanup stuff around the room and then begin the day! I’ll often start with a focus verse to get my heart and mind set properly, then do some work on this blog before I leave for my day-job (I cover lunch and afternoon shifts at a local library). Upon my return, I grab some coffee, check any emails, and then the writing work begins again… but that’s another post for another time. ๐Ÿ˜‰


What’s your favorite part of your morning routine? Do you have a routine, or do you kinda let yourself flow with each morning and just see what happens? I’d love to hear what your days look like, and I’ll see you in the comment section! :D


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